As we enter 2024, exciting prospects are unfolding for the furniture industry. This year promises an intriguing journey, marked by innovations, shifts in consumer behaviour, and ongoing adjustments to a rapidly changing world. In this context, we delve deeper into the expectations for the furniture industry in 2024 with Dirk Steenbeke from the Belgian interior label Passe-Partout. But without a past, there is no future, so we also take a look back with the Flemish businessman.
Dirk Steenbeke: 'Those who are in the furniture and interior industry must also act as ambassadors of our sector.'
How did the furniture industry evolve in 2023?
'I don't have the impression that the furniture industry has made significant developments in any area. However, it is clear that we entered the post-pandemic era in 2023 and that the consistent growth of recent years has somewhat stagnated.
What may be more noticeable is that consumers now expect better service - more support in their interior design choices, more advice. And notably, in a friendly manner, rather than just a customer/seller relationship.
Regarding technology, it is noteworthy that 3D is now indispensable. Fortunately, it's now more affordable than a few years ago and has become well-established among those engaged in interior design. We'll be following this trend this year.'
What challenges did Passe Partout face in 2023?
'The year 2023 began much like how 2022 ended, with a substantial increase in energy prices. These costs had risen tenfold and couldn't be immediately passed on ad hoc to our prices. In response, we formed a task force to explore all fronts for energy-saving possibilities in heating and lighting, yielding excellent results (such as implementing LED lighting in the halls and changing the production flow).'
What are your expectations for 2024?
'After an exceptionally successful trade fair in Brussels, with Paris (for exports) on the horizon and the recent addition of an export manager, along with the introduction of 3D technology in our company, I face 2024 with confidence. Market demand focuses on closer collaborations, something in which we excel. We remain faithful to our course of the past years and strive daily to improve all aspects to optimise our KPIs. Although perfection may be unattainable, we do our utmost.'
What will you stop doing in 2024 that you did in 2023?
'That's a difficult question; I'd rather say that in 2024, I intend to build upon what I did in 2023, but better. With the experience gained, results achieved, and knowledge acquired, I aim to continuously enhance our company. My goal is to transform it into a prosperous business where everyone is content and collaborates with pleasure.'
Do you have a message for the readers?
"Actually, I do: those in the furniture and interior industry should also act as ambassadors of our sector. We should be proud of what we do. Consumers have their most beautiful, happiest, and perhaps even their saddest moments in the interiors that we collectively design and produce. How beautiful is that? We all develop furniture that is part of the lives of thousands of families. Let's radiate that pride and gratitude by helping these people enthusiastically, with a smile and professionally, to transform their house into a home. That, I believe, is also the solution for a beautiful future for our sector in the long run. Keep smiling, you're selling Home Stories... A healthy and happy new year to everyone!'
More information:
Passe Partout
[email protected]