For the sixth time, Ukrainian companies will show their products to an international audience. Manufactured and printed designer furniture, lighting, a collectable design that sometimes borders on art, and modern crafts on traditional grounds, including ceramics, are the market's main niches, demonstrating the rapid evolution of Ukrainian design in recent years.
Among the participants:
Eccentric, but comfortable interior items by FURN OBJECT. Its designers, Anna and Sergey Baersdorf, like to play with complex knots and experiment with new techniques, shapes, and textures. This gives each object a unique character.
TAKE SOME ROPE. An art tapestry studio founded by textile artist Yulia Tishchenko. Her works are emotions embodied in modern tapestries using all the existing textile techniques: hand weaving, macrame elements, knitting, crochet, felting, and others.
RUDA Studio. Interior items inspired by natural materials and the ancient technique of straw inlay.