Renowned Austrian designer Ernst W. Beranek, whose influence shaped generations of design students, passed away at the age of 89 in Vienna on Sunday. His extensive contributions to the field of design, particularly in the realm of industrial and everyday objects, have left an indelible mark on the industry.
Born on October 6, 1934, Beranek embarked on his journey into the world of design by studying at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Following his education, Beranek transitioned into academia, becoming one of the pioneering educators in the field of industrial design. His tenure as a professor at the university spanned several decades, during which he mentored and inspired countless students.
Photo © Nataliya Kostenyukova |
Beranek's design philosophy was characterised by a commitment to marrying form with function, as evidenced by his work on a diverse range of projects. From furniture design for companies like Thonet to public infrastructure projects for institutions like the Austrian Federal Railways, Beranek demonstrated a keen understanding of the intersection between aesthetics and utility.
However, it was perhaps his groundbreaking work in the realm of everyday objects that truly solidified Beranek's legacy. Beranek spearheaded the development of a revolutionary pacifier model. Engineered with special considerations for jaw health and comfort, the pacifier quickly became a staple for millions of parents worldwide.