Tréca, a renowned name in French luxury bedding, has recently unveiled its inaugural retail establishment in the picturesque city of Nice, located in the southeast of France. This new boutique, marking the brand's 8th in France and 10th across Europe, is a testament to Tréca's commitment to expanding its presence both domestically and internationally.
Photo: Tréca
With a sprawling space spanning 120 square meters across two floors, the boutique offers visitors an immersive journey into Tréca's world of luxury bedding. Highlighting iconic collections such as Couture, Paris, and Imperial, the boutique aims to showcase the brand's craftsmanship and attention to detail. Additionally, special emphasis is placed on the art of upholsterer-decorator, with headboards crafted in collaboration with esteemed professionals like interior architect Charles Tassin and designer Constance Guisset.