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Interview with Dr. William Chizhovsky, founder and CEO of The Good Plastic Company:

'We're planning to open facilities in the US in 2025'

The Good Plastic Company is a mission-driven organisation focused on repurposing plastic waste into innovative, sustainable materials, currently operating across eight locations with two factories in Europe. With its Polygood material, 100% recycled and recyclable plastic panels for the architecture and design industry, the company is transforming how the industry views sustainable materials. Since 2018, the company partnered with industry giants like Nike, Samsung, Adidas, Coach, Lush, and McDonald's, and leading international design and architecture firms. In an interview with founder and CEO Dr. William Chizhovsky we discuss the company's recent exhibitions, from New York to Paris, and some of the challenges in the market right now.

Left: Dr. William Chizhovsky. Right: the new Translucent Collection.

Expanding overseas
The Good Plastic Company, headquartered in Europe with two factories, recently expanded its operations to North America. As William highlighted, 'We're dedicating a lot of attention to the US market. We had an exhibition in New York called "Collectible", which was quite a spectacle.' At the exhibition, a German company displayed furniture made from The Good Plastic Company's new translucent collection on set as part of an interesting art performance. The art performance caught the eyes of many visitors, gathering more interest for the brand overseas. The company now plans to open local production facilities in the US in 2025.

Opportunities in Paris
Their presence at Paris Design Week and Maison & Objet this month further demonstrated The Good Plastic Company's growing influence. One of the key highlights of Paris Design Week was a collaboration with designer Lucas Huillet, who used Polygood panels to create an artistic installation called "Eau Fraîche", featuring two blue fountains infused with perfume instead of water. 'It was an interesting concept with a sensory experience that people could see and smell,' William says. 'It was our first time working together and it turned out to be a really nice installation. Especially with the nice smell and against the backdrop of a beautiful historic building.'

Art performance in New York.

At Maison & Objet The Good Plastic Company introduced their new Translucent Collection, made from 100% recycled CD cases. 'We were there with our distributor in Paris, Polygood France. It was a really good fair. There were a lot of people from different countries, but still mainly from France. This was the third time for us. Before we were trying to introduce our company to the market and show what Polygood was, but this time people already knew us, so we were able to agree on projects on the fair and made some really good connections,' William says.

The new Translucent Collection was also very well received. 'Before we just had a couple of colours, but now we have a large collection of 20 different colours, made from the CD cases,' William explains. The range of 100% recycled plastic panels blends eco-consciousness with modern aesthetics, and with the new line of colours it offers designers and architects a greener design solution. These materials can be used not only as decorative elements for dividers or interior design, but also for structural applications such as furniture items, shelving systems, and more due to their strength. 'Our goal has always been to create products that not only look great, but also contribute positively to the environment. This line is a beautiful addition to the collection, and to me it also reflects the company's dedication to maintaining an open and honest relationship with our customers by providing clear information about the origins of their materials.'

Artistic installation "Eau Fraîche" during Paris Design Week.

The Olympics caused challenges
When asked about current business conditions, William shared insights into the company's global operations. 'Business is good for us. The only issue we encountered was in France. Because of the Olympic Games the construction market has been dead for two to four months. All construction was prohibited. So on the one hand, the Games were great and offered a lot of potential for France. But at the same time, for people involved with construction or interior design, it was quite a difficult time. Now, after the Olympics, we're expecting it to get better. Outside of France however, it has been great. We're growing and have a lot of new projects coming in.'

With the company's expansion plans in North America, the plan is to grow even more in the future. 'We have some exciting exhibitions planned. This week we'll be at GLUE Amsterdam this week, followed by another exhibition in New York, BDNY, focused on the hospitality sector in November. Then we also have a materials-focused event in France, Les Rendez-vous de la Matière + fair(e). We're also continuously expanding our collaborations, and local production facilities are planned to start in North America by 2025.'

Artistic installation "Eau Fraîche" during Paris Design Week.

More information:
The Good Plastic Company
+31 (0)20 399 1260
[email protected]