Scottish gamer Cath Bowie, known as "Gamer Granny" and a Twitch sensation at 76, has partnered with Ikea to promote their new game room furniture collection.
Famous for playing Fortnite, along with other titles like Mario Kart and FIFA, Bowie began her gaming journey with the encouragement of her grandson, Lewis. Her Twitch account, GrumpyGran1948, has since attracted 20,000 followers.
Photo: Dreamstime.
Cath described her unexpected love for gaming, particularly Fortnite, noting it was not something she planned but rather a delightful surprise. She humorously mentioned that her grandson has yet to see her newly furnished gaming room filled with Ikea's Brannboll furniture, teasing him about feeling envious this Christmas.
Cath is excited to share her collaboration with Ikea with her gaming community, which has been speculating about her recent activities. She anticipates their enthusiastic reaction, declaring, 'My community is going to erupt in pleasure' when they learn she's the face of the Ikea Brannboll collection.