Blunt France, a renowned French furniture designer and manufacturer, has built its reputation on timeless design and raw elegance. Since its founding in 2006 in the coastal city of Biarritz, Blunt France has pursued an uncompromising commitment to quality and craftsmanship. With a focus on ethically cultivating the excellence of human gesture and material, the brand offers a unique approach to furniture that is deeply rooted in authenticity and timeless beauty.
HODEIA collection.
What is your vision for Blunt France, and how do you plan to navigate the current challenges in the furniture industry?
'Blunt France is a coastal inspired furniture brand. We promote a raw and long term vision with a modern lifestyle. We do have challenges like all companies but our core values and partnerships allow us to have a clear guideline and purpose helping us to grow and share everyday new projects, new designs and positivity. We have way more to give to people and to our clients as a brand and as an organisation.'
How do you see Blunt France standing out in an increasingly competitive and sustainability-focused market?
'As handcrafted brand, we know the value of hand-work and his purpose. Since day one, we promote a sensitivity to nature, working with raw material and non chemicals packaging is for us an establishment, not something new. Transportation remains a challenge, but it's up to transport companies to drive innovation and evolve in this area. Our steel speciality, in-house design, manufacturing capacity and finishing expertise allow us to positively answer needs and keep us aside from mass-production and low value competitors.'
Can you share any upcoming product innovations or design trends that Blunt France will focus on under your leadership?
'Blunt France will reach 20 years in 2026 - most of our designs are timeless established since years since we do not promote newness strategy out of tailor made pieces. We work on a specific year on both design and partnerships. We are improving our seats too and the outdoor segment is expending. We hope to elevate our footprint here.'
HODEIA collection.
With economic fluctuations affecting the industry, what strategies will you implement to ensure growth and stability for the company?
'We are focusing our extending partnerships in EMEA and North America. Most of our partners are really aligned with our niche positioning and we have a single value for them. Our concern is to facilitate distribution with new partnerships and facilities, as well as promote a new brand marketing strategy to historical partners.'
How do you plan to enhance Blunt France's connection with customers and meet their evolving expectations in home furnishings?
'Service is a pillar, it's connected to tailor made capacity as well as quiet luxury approach. Blunt France clients are special as we are, elegant, quiet and listening to environment. This connection to our playground is key for us and we value a true connection to our pieces. By enhancing exchanges and adaptability, we implement this sense of service in our client places. By bringing Coastal made furniture, we enhance their capacity to disconnect from mass-production items, providing a sense to their places and a why to their life environment.'
More information:
Blunt France
[email protected]