The volume (working-day-adjusted) of goods exports was 5.1 per cent higher in January than in January 2024, reports CBS. The volume of goods imports was 3.6 per cent higher in January than in January 2024. In the March CBS Export Radar, conditions for exports were less unfavourable than in the January radar.
Conditions for exports in March less unfavourable
CBS also publishes conditions for exports each month in the Export Radar. Conditions are largely determined by developments in the main sales markets for Dutch exports and by the development of the Dutch competitive position. The indicators in the radar correlate well with exports, but improving conditions do not necessarily mean higher export growth.
In the March CBS Export Radar, conditions for exports were less unfavourable than in the January radar. This is mainly because real exchange rate developments were more favourable and producers in Germany and the eurozone were less negative.
Exports of goods account for almost three quarters of total exports. On exports of services, CBS does not report monthly. Information on total exports is published by CBS on a quarterly and annual basis. The figures in this report are preliminary and subject to revision.